라이브리 (LiveRe)/댓글로 세상보기

What are you impressions of MIT GSW in Seoul, Korea?

CIZION 2011. 3. 22. 18:53
Hello, こんにちは, Guten Tag, Здра'всвуйте, Bon Jour, 你好,
Buenos dias, 안녕하세요, Buon giorno, ألسلام عليكم!

Welcome to MIT Global Startup Workshop in Seoul.

We are CIZION Team ;)
CIZION is a Startup Company that offers Social Commenting Service LiveRe™

We got an opportunity to join MIT GSW because we won BlueRun Ventures Prize(grand
prix) at The 11th Korea Student Venture Competition.

LiveRe is The next generation Reply & Comment System.
It's changing the way to share your content and promote your site.
You can experience live reply & reaction.
Turn your static webpages into a real-time stream of Twitter, Facebook, Google Friends
and Connect your Website & Mobile

CIZION & LiveRe for more information Click the banner! 


we hope you enjoy MIT GSW in beautiful Seoul :)

You can log in using Twitter, Facebook and Post your comment.
Let you say a few words about Seoul, MIT GSW or LiveRe™
to your SNS Friends :)